POP QUIZ!! Remember my two passions?? Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock....ok, pencils down. For those of you who said Bulldogs & Disney, you're correct! If you're lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) enough to get me going on either one of the subjects, I JUST DON'T STOP!! I could go on & on & on & on about both; and I know some of you reading this right now are nodding your heads up & down saying, "yep, she can! I've seen it!"
While I am passionate about both, I have to say that Disney is probably easier for me to talk about non-stop because I've researched the heck out of it. I go to forums, I subscribe to newsletters, I get emails, I receive magazines, I read books, I even listen to a few podcasts that are all about Disney!! (Yep, I'm a geek like that.) Bullies on the other hand, I'm still learning.
So imagine my happiness when I opened a large envelope from my bully friend Betsy (you know, the crafty one that made me my
bully coin purse I posted a few weeks ago) to find this!!

It's one of the
small errand bags she makes, but this time, it's been Disneyfied!!! Bully Disneyfied even!! What a cute Disney Bulldog this is!! Doesn't Vivi look cute w/her Mickey ears? How about the cute Mickey head fabric she used! Check out the back:

I mean really! How cute is that? And you know what? I didn't even ask her to make this for me. We had just in passing talked about a Disney trip while we were together in Duluth & then she sent me this! I mean, how creative is she?!
It's so fun to have something made just for you...but when it involves my bullies or Disney...wow! That is even more special! Thanks again Besty! Your talent is just amazing! Everything you make is bully-t-ful!
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