-A special "space" in the living room, that still works very well for time outs & voluntary quiet time by all 3 of the bullies.
-A leg that the fur is still trying to grow back...he looks a little loppsided.
-A scar that actually isn't nearly as long/ugly as I was expecting.
-New toys from Momma & Daddy
-About 5 extra pounds!
Dear lord! I brought him on a walk this morning because he asked me to...he did. He went up to the door after I brought Vivi for her daily walk. So we walked. Not too far mind you as he's still rehabbing (longer walks everyday), but it was the first time in quite some time that he was in front of me...I know, I know..."who's walking who" right?
Well, he was excited to walk & he wasn't pulling, he was just in front of me...and that's when I noticed it!! His normally svelte (no really, for a bulldog he was svelte) body was no longer & instead I see this itty bitty butt & his barrel chest rolling from one side to the other!! JUST LIKE DOC'S!! YIKES!!
I didn't have time to weigh him this morning before I left for work, but I'm guessing it's at least 5 extra lbs on that boy of mine. Of course I don't want this extra weight on him & for a semi-split second I thought, "huh, he IS almost 2, maybe he's finally filling out like they said the English lines would!" But I know better! It's weight gain, not English lines!
So now, both Howie & Vivi will be getting morning walks before I leave. Vivi, to hopefully give her enough activity so that she isn't totally bored & wanting to eat something she shouldn't & Howie, to lose the weight....ah heck, both of those work for me too!

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