Vivi was a year old yesterday!! One year ago today I got up early, made the 3 hour trek to Sandy's house to help with the puppies; stayed for a few hours & then turned around to be home by 9pm!! It was fun & quite the learning experience. I got to help the puppies latch on to Jazz, clean their bums, burp them & take their photos.
At the time, we had hoped one of the boys would be our next bully, but alas it wasn't meant to be. Instead, little miss Vivian came into our lives. She's been nothing but pure joy. She is so funny...tonight she farted while she was laying down & she turned around really quick like "what was that?" When it happened again, she got up & started sniffing like it couldn't have possibly come out of her!!
She's also very snuggly & just has the best personality. She's the best of both worlds...she CAN be mellow like Doc & she CAN be crazy like Howie....she's a happy medium of both. We're very fortunate that all of our bullies get along so well because they all truly do complement each other.
Happy Birthday Miss Vivian & all her littermates!! (Man are they cute!!)

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