Ok, seriously...how the hell is it September?! Sorry to be so blunt about it, but how fast time goes by makes me sad. I love summer--especially this summer!! Record setting heat anyone?? The leaves are already coming down in our yard!!! Noooo!!! Maybe it's only because it's been so dry--yes, yes, I'm in denial!
This summer sewing & dog shows have kept me very busy! With the heat I've had a lot of orders for the
cool collars I make & this year I started making cool jackets too.
They have been very popular! I was at a show in June & I looked around & there were 7 dogs with my products on! How "cool" is that?! I have had a lot of people ask if they work....well, I can tell you first hand that yes! They worked on Doc! Doc had an incident one hot night & he really scared me (panting, wouldn't move, wouldn't drink water) & when we got him inside, I immediately grabbed the jacket, ran it under cold water & put the jacket on him & within minutes he was no longer panting!!! I was shocked how fast it worked on him!
Here is a photo from the show Vivi & I were at last weekend in Lake Elmo, MN. Thanks Kym for the photo! We didn't do anything, but she sure is cute isn't she??
Let's see, what else to tell you....hmmm...Howie decided the other day to take a nap with a piggy...what a cutie!
Doc can't believe summer is over either!! He's just rolling around thinking about it!
Law sends kitty prayers to all of you!
And Pippa sends kisses...errr...bites!
We all hope your summer went as well as yours & you enjoyed yourselves!!