Friday, November 30, 2012

Such a Scary Face

Not really....from this angle you can't really see the O shape her mouth makes very well, but you get the idea.

Vivi was on the bed with me watching TV & Steve decided to peak around the corner...she didn't like it.  :0)
What a good guard dog....that growl cracks me up!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I'm Thankful...

On November 27, 2001 (11 years ago to the day) I almost lost my best friend.  He collapsed of heat stroke...during a snow November...that's right, heat stroke...we joke he's a medical oddity.  But 11 years ago tonight, in the ER, there was no joking going on.

He was in the hospital for a week.  There were many follow up appointments with doctors for weeks after.  It was a very scary time.

You just never know what each day brings.  So I'm thankful, so very thankful to still have my bestie with me!

Love you babe!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

So I've Been Thinking...

I know I haven't been a good blogger lately...ok more like the last two years...not good in the "haven't blogged" way.  It may not seem like it, but it does bother me that I don't blog like I used to.  I could...errr...have used the excuse that life has gotten in the way.  It's true!  I am not sure where this past year went!  I mean can you believe it's the end of November already?!!

While life has gotten in the way of blogging, I have made time for sewing, dog showing, general life stuff & of course funny bully stories....I haven't shared that with you...and it bothers me.  I guess I feel like I started this blog to tell you about my dogs, so I don't think you'd want to hear about my other stuff.

So I was thinking the other day maybe to just hang up my blogging hat, maybe even the website--because I've also dropped the ball there too.  I was thinking, once Vivi gets her Grand Championship will I keep the site?  I won't have any more show photos/tales to share.  But then I remembered WHY I started this site/ wasn't because I was showing a was because I had a dog...or 3.  :0)
So it hit me while I was blow-drying my know that's when ALL my A-HA moments happen...this is MY site.  MY blog.  If I wanted to post a funny, cute, breathtaking (of course) photo of my dog, I should.
  If I wanted to blog about a sewing project, I should.  
If I wanted to brag about how great Vivi did at a show, 
or how Howie let me cut his nails without much fighting, I should!!  
 And even if I wanted to share some magical memories, I should!!!!
Basically, my A-HA moment reminded me this is MY site/blog.  I can post about anything.  Right?  Right!  So I will!  Some of my favorite posts in this blog are my very honest--can you believe my dog did THAT?!--posts.  While sometimes funny, most times educational (at some level anyway) & that's something I can be proud of.  Sewing is a newer passion of mine, so you may be bored with those posts, but maybe not?  Maybe you all will want to sew after those...hehehehehe!!  Of course Disney is always in my head, so maybe somedays you'll hear about that.

Regardless of what I post, I'm excited to get back to blogging!  Get back to sharing with you my bullies, their stories (both good & bad) & always cute photos!

I thank those of you who have stayed on thinking I may post again...well here we go my friends, here we go!!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Howl-o-ween Everybully!!

We hope you all had a fantastic Howl-o-ween!!  Did you get many treats?  Or more tricks?

This year we were showing our true selves...well at least that's what momma said!!  Silly momma!!!