Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Of course I'm going to blog today!!!

As many of you know, I LOOOOOVE dates!!  All sorts of fun dates make me happy!  Something like today's 12-12-12.....super fun!!  Dorky I know, but think about it....12-12-12....we're NEVER going to see that again in our lifetimes!  Cool!

So while the last 12 years have got super fast, many of us have seen 1/1/01, 2/2/02, 3/3/03, 4/4/04, 5/5/05, 6/6/06, 7/7/07, 8/8/08, 9/9/09, 10/10/10, and 11/11/11!!!!  I also loved it when the date was 1/2/03 & 2/3/04 & 3/4/05 & 4/5/06....ok, I think you get it.  I dunno...dates just make me happy.

Ask my co-worker...every day this month when I write the date I giggle because it's 12/xx/12...that makes me giggle...yep...I'm a dork.  Oh's not like you didn't already know that!
 On a side snowed this weekend...the most we've had since Feb 2011 (which means we did not have a lot of snow last winter--which I loved) was pretty only because I was inside all day.  The commutes on Monday & Tuesday however, NOT SO PRETTY!!!  Grrrrr.....

The bullies seemed to enjoy it!  Like every year, they made their "bully highway"--this year it's only 1 lane apparently.
(Do you see Doc peaking around the house??  He's like "Momma!  Let me in!!!!")

We got so much I had to make another path for them in the yard so they could get around, Vivi helped.
At one point, the snow was about "Vivi high!"  I could barely see her!
Hope you're having a great week!!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing this blog a few days late. Hubs got 12 different kids of beer. The trio look like they are on an adventure!
