Monday, August 1, 2011

Birthday Boy!!!!

Happy Birfday to you!  Happy Birfday to you!  Happy Birfday dear Docccccceeeeee!!!  Happy Birfday to youuuuuuu!!!
Last Thursday was Doc's 5th birthday!!  Of course we had a big ol' bully party complete with party favors for the guests (aka bones for Howie & Vivi), prezzies for the birthday boy & of course the birthday bandanna for the guest of honor!!  At our house, no bully party is complete without....
(look--Vivi's so excited she forgot to wipe the drool off her lip)
McDonald's burgers & fries!!!  (With some regular dog food mixed in--no, no green beans this year).  All the bullies enjoyed their meal, but Doc does seem the happiest (look at that smile)!
After dinner it was party time!!  Doc got to open his present...he only got one...but it was a big one for his big birthday!!  He made sure to check out everything as thoroughly as only Doc could.
Vivi thought she should help him check things out.  I think she just wanted to practice for her own birthday in September.
After Doc picked out his bone, he decided to get a closer look at his big prezzie!!  A new couch bed!!!
Howie was very excited for him...oh no, wait...he was excited for his party favor I think....
And Vivi...well, I think she was just super happy for Doc...oh no, err...she TOO is staring at the party favors.
Then after some obligatory party photos....
"Cheeeeessseeeeeeee Momma!!"
And the bullies sang happy birfday to Doc....
(Ok, maybe not everyone enjoyed Howie's version....I thought he did a good job though!)
Then it was time to have the party favors....and all Howie was happy!
Happy 5th Birthday Doc!!!
Love you Doodle!!!


  1. Pics = Adorable. Pics + captions = Priceless!

  2. Happy Birthday Doc.. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
