Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How do they know??

Many times I think bullies are smarter than people give them credit for (not me of course because I KNOW my bullies are smart)! But really...how could they possibly know what to do when a doorbell chimes.....when we don't have one??!! They'll hear it on the TV & then go running & barking at the door! How do they know? Happened again last night & I'm still confused by it!

The only thing I can think of...they're SMART (of course)!

When I got home yesterday, all the bullies were on the deck waiting for me! It was so fun to watch them realize I was home (saw my car pull into the driveway) & then to be greeted with wagging tails & the snorts...fun!! Then they realized that my arrival home took away from the toys they were playing with & they went back to that! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like my house
    they are excited and drop bones/balls and run over until they realize that bones/balls are left unattended!
