Ugg...the first snow & very cold temp (29!!) of the year came on Saturday morning. I'm sooo not a fan of snow/winter & it's WAY too early for even Minnesota to have snow! But, the bullies seemed to enjoy it before it melted!
This blur of red, is Doc! He LOVES the snow, any amount of it! He will hop around like a bunny!

Howie was nosing around & then running around the deck like his tail was on fire! He's such a nut!

Vivi was as usual, quite the stinker out there! She was very curious, but knew right away that it was PLAYTIME!! She came rushing at me quite a few times!

Love the pictures! Looks like they had a great time! One of my favorite all time videos is of one of our dogs running and playing in a few feet of snow (VERY unusual for TX). One of my best memories of him!! We have friends in Minnesota and they said their kids are WAY more excited about the early snow than they are...I can only imagine! I'll try to send you some sun!