Wednesday, November 10, 2010

She Makes Me Giggle...

Overall, Vivi is a pretty laid back bully.  She loves to snuggle w/her momma, doesn't like to start trouble with the boys (unless Howie walks by her when she's sleeping--it's the weirdest thing) & is content to sitting in a pile of clothes.

That's why I find it so funny when she gets possessive of things.  It's usually only things she can carry in her've seen the photos, the stick, the ribbons, the ball...well the other day I gave her an empty paper towel roll.  You guessed, she puts it in her mouth, her tail goes straight back,
she marches quickly into the other room, finds shelter under a table & just sits there.
She doesn't gnaw on it or eat it or play with it...She just sits there, with the roll in ther mouth and a look on her face that says, "MINE & I LOOVE IT!"
"I'm not sharing Momma!!"
Until I do take it away from her & then she's sad....
 and sulky....
Awww...Poor Vivi...but I bet she made YOU giggle too didn't she??


  1. Oh my heavens look t that adorable face and wrinkles stapes around that paper towel holder. Your captions are spot on

  2. Maisy LOVES her paper towel rolls or TP rolls. lol! A prized possession!
