Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holidays with Bully Friends Day 3

I promise today's Festive Friends will produce a bunch of "Awwwws" & "How Cutes"!  If it doesn't you are a bullyscrooge!

Here we have Bella & her new sissy Greta!  Greta is now 5 months old & Bella, well I don't want to get it wrong, so I'll ask her bullymomma Ann to comment, but I think she's 9!!  Which just makes me smile!!  Much like this photo!

I think they are dreaming of sugar plums & more pretty pink sweaters & vests!!  Looking good ladies, lookin' good!!!

Fun fact: Greta is Howie's niece!  :0)

Special thanks to one of my most loyal readers Ann for sending in the photos!!  Yep...that's worries friends, you'll see the other one later in the month!!  Promise it will make you "Awww" again!